aXite Security Tools

Passion for operational environments, technical installations and industrial cybersecurity make our offerings unique.

About us Security Tools for aviation

Why choose for us

What we are

Experts in the operational field, securing the most valuable and critical parts of technical systems and with technology expertise makes us a reliable and knowledgeable partner.

Securing the operational environment by managing risk. Identify, categorize, prioritize and mitigating risk will improve the posture and in parallel provide insights, to increase performance by improved load balancing or smart maintenance. Unique solutions offerings delivered through:

about us proven track record with technical experts
Made by technical experts

Decades of technical experience helped our experts to develop a range of advanced products to defend most critical assets in the field.

about us threat hunting and monitoring
Insight through monitoring

“You cannot secure and protect what you do not know you have” is the first step to risk management, and is a core value of aXite Security Tools!


aXite Security Tools about us threat intelligence
Threat Intelligence

Correlating security monitoring artifacts to known threat information relevant to a specific location, will put potentional threats and attack scenarios in context with the environment.

about us threat hunting and monitoring
Experience in Threat Hunting

Threat hunting, searching for malicious activity with an unique approach, grants insights in data- and configurationintegrity of operational environments. 

about us proven track record with technical experts
Proven track record

Proven and documented achievements, such as cost reduction with quantify results helped clients to verfiy the improvements where reached.

about us Compliance CIS® and STIG®
Compliance CIS® and STIG®

Automate CIS and STIG compliance, to make hardening easier and create ongoing robustness.


What we do

It all started from the desire to harden and protect “legacy” controls of operational security equipment at airports. Followed by demand for automated hardening of IT designed equipment used in operational environments in connection to the controls. This created the drive to be fully in control of all controls in operations.

The solutions
about us Operational Techical cybersecurity

Our sectors

Fields we are operating in

Being valued member of Airport, security and business networks leverage international knowledge and experience to secure against the highest standards.

About us airlines security tools ot Security


about us - Security Tools for aviation


about us Security critical infrastructure

Critical Infrastructure

Some of our

Clients and partners

Partner Steelcloud

aXite Security Tools and SteelCloud have a special exclusive partnership in The Netherlands. The AX-CONTROL Program is based on this cooperation, is fully automated and powered by SteelCloud technology. For more information, visit:

Careers at aXite security tools

Do you want to help us secure technical installations? Come and join us!